Results-based payment

Participating farmers can draw from two payment streams: 

1. Results-based payment

This payment is based on the sum of habitat and floodplain quality, with an adjustment made depending on whole-farm result. 

2. Supporting Actions Payment

For farm measures completed by the farmer aimed at improving habitat quality and reducing risk of impacts on downstream watercourses.

Results-based payment

Habitat quality payment

Where a plot scores 0 to 3, this will not receive a payment, regardless of area.

The payment scale increases in varying steps with, for example, the increase between 7 and 8 being much greater than that between 8 and 9. This is to incentivise the farmer to achieve a score of 8 across as much of their lands as possible.

Habitat quality payment rates

Payment rates decline across four bands as participant area increases as follows: 0-15ha, >15-30ha, >30-60ha, and >60ha.

In calculating results-based payments, the lowest scoring lands will be paid at the highest rate. This adds a strong incentive to improve lower scoring lands as any increase in habitat quality (score) will be paid at the highest rate. The same payment rates apply to private lands and commonage lands. In the case of commonages, the payment bands are applied at the LPIS parcel level.

Habitat Quality Payments rate image

A score of 8 out of 10 represents high quality habitat which is likely to make a significant contribution towards watercourses that support freshwater pearl mussel populations.

Most plots can progressively increase their environmental score and associated payment over the lifetime of the Programme. 

Payment rates decline across four bands as participant area increases as follows: 0-15ha, >15-30ha, >30-60ha, and >60ha.

In calculating results-based payments, the lowest scoring lands will be paid at the highest rate. This adds a strong incentive to improve lower scoring lands as any increase in habitat quality (score) will be paid at the highest rate.The same payment rates apply to private lands and commonage lands. In the case of commonages, the payment bands are applied at the LPIS parcel level. 

Floodplain payment

The payment rewards farmers for maintaining active floodplains on their lands where they occur along freshwater pearl mussel habitats, which provides an important ecosystem service.

Payment rates vary according to habitat quality, as indicated by average habitat quality score of relevant plots, and are paid across three bands related to floodplain river bank length. Payment rates across the three payment bands are shown in the table below: 

Floodplain 2 with text

Whole-farm payment adjustment

Once the whole farm score is determined, a corresponding correction factor is applied to the total overall results-based payment as outlined below. 

Whole farm payment adjustment

Application of whole-farm assessment in calculating final results-based payment

In the case of commonage parcels, a modified ‘whole-farm assessment’ will be completed.      

Commonage quality correction factor v2
© Pearl Mussel Project Ltd 2018