The PMP would like to remind all farmers interested in joining the Pearl Mussel Programme in 2019, that the closing date for receipt of Expression of Interest Form is fast approaching on the 30th April 2019.
Our catchment officer Mary McAndrew was out yesterday in the Owenriff meeting farmers who hadn’t yet submitted an expression of interest form for the project. She got 5 new Expression of Interest Forms from local farmers and a farmer took some forms for his neighbours who were at work.
So don’t delay and register your interest in joining the scheme by completing and returning your Expression of Interest Form (PMPF1) which you can download from our website and check with your neighbours that they have done the same !
Call us on 064 6640685 to request a form or get your from our website at:
Applications received after 30th April 2019 will be held over until the 2020 round of considerations.
#pearlmusselproject #musselrivers #EIPagri #RuralNetwork