The PMP are delighted to announce that more than 420 Expression of Interest forms were received by the 30th of April this year, the closing date for applications for 2019. All further expression of interest forms received after this date will be held over for consideration until 2020.

The project team have been busy assessing the applications and preparing contract offers for those selected for entry in 2019. This involves looking at each landholding and giving it a priority ranking based on its proximity to pearl mussel populations and the amount of watercourses relative to land area in the holding.
Those of highest priority will be offered the first places on the programme and will be sent a contract offer in early May. These contract offers will include a map of the land holding, divided into Pearl Mussel Programme habitat plots which will be scored annually to determine participant payments.
We have been delighted with the level of interest in the Programme and hope that there will be a high level of uptake of contract offers.
#pearlmusselproject #musselrivers #EIPagri #RuralNetwork @agriculture_ie