Great to join the KerryLIFE team on study tour of the Ennerdale Valley and River Ehen in England’s Lake District, led by Evelyn Moorkens and Ian Killeen. Some great examples of practical measures being taken to restore freshwater pearl mussel habitat.
Wetlands and seepage zones along rivers can play important role in supporting juvenile pearl mussel habitat. Excellent examples of this were demonstrated to us along the River Ehen, where a water company (United Utilities) has purchased such habitat to compensate effects of water abstraction on this important freshwater pearl mussel river. The pearl mussel project intent to reward farmers for maintaining and enhancing these important habitats. We will give other examples of the great work done by other groups in the area including Wild Ennerdale and the Pearls in Peril EU Life project.

Pearl mussels thrive in rivers with high water quality. Note the clear water and absence of algae suggesting both low suspended solids and nutrient levels.

Floodplain wetland (species rich wet grassland, fen and flushed habitats) play a vital role in supporting juvenile pearl mussel habitat.