With the on-going difficulties around holding face to face farmer training, the PMP have produced a 20 minute training video to cover issues relating to the clearance and management of Rhododendron on farms, one of the supporting action funded under the programme.
Rhododendron is an alien invasive species that depletes peatland catchments of their ecological value. Where it occurs, this reduces the plot score and payment.
Rhododendron control is a Supporting Action that requires participant farmers to follow the approved method in the video. We ask farmer undertaking this action to note the verification code that will appear on your screen towards the end of the video and send this to the Pearl Mussel Project contact person below, to show you have followed the training. Contact details are also provided in the video.
PMP would like to thank Peter O'Toole of the National Parks and Wildlife Service and Killarney National Park for allowing us to use of video training footage.
You can watch this and other PMP YouTube videos here.

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