Pearl Mussel Project – World Wetlands Day

Did you know that wetlands play a vital role in sustaining healthy populations of freshwater pearl mussel in Ireland?
Wetland habitats, in particular blanket bog and associated seepage zones, are a common feature of the most important freshwater pearl mussel catchments in the west of Ireland. This is no coincidence as these wetlands are known to play a vital role in providing the ideal habitat conditions that support freshwater pearl mussel.
Wetlands have the effect of regulating river flow thereby helping to maintain optimal flow conditions even in extreme flood and drought events. In addition, wetland areas alongside river channels provide an important food supply to juvenile mussels. These juveniles are particularly vulnerable and this food source helps to ensure their survival to adulthood.
Drained and modified wetlands cease to provide both these functions. This is likely to partly explain the decline in mussel populations throughout much of the country.
Pearl mussel conservation efforts need to extend beyond the river channel and focus on maintaining and restoring wetland habitats at the catchment level. The Pearl Mussel Programme recognises the value of these habitats and will reward farmers to maintain and restore them through a results-based approach.

#WorldWetlandsDay #pearlmusselproject #musselrivers #EIPagri #ruralnetwork
Pearl Mussel Project Farmer Information Meetings
The Pearl Mussel Project EIP have announced details of farmer information meetings to take place in each of the eight project river catchments during February.
The information meetings will provide details on the results-based agri-environmental programme designed in consultation with farmers, scientific and technical advisors, and agricultural professionals. Attendees will be able to obtain Terms & Conditions documentation and expression of interest forms for farmers who wish to apply to take part in the programme. The first participants will be recruited into a five year programme during March 2019. All are welcome to attend.

Owenriff Catchment: Monday 11th Feb - The Boat Inn, Oughterard, Co. Galway at 8pm
Bundorragha Catchment: Tuesday 12th Feb - Glenkeen Farm, Louisburgh, Co. Mayo at 8pm
Glaskeelan Catchment: Wednesday 13th Feb - The Colmcille Heritage Centre, Churchill, Co. Donegal at 8pm
Dawros Catchment: Monday 18th Feb - The FORUM Connemara, Letterfrack, Co. Galway at 8pm
Ownagappul Catchment: Monday 18th of Feb - The Caha Centre, Adrigole, Beara, Co. Cork at 8pm
Kerry Blackwater Catchment: Tuesday 19th of Feb – The Blackwater Tavern, Blackwater, Co. Kerry at 8pm
Caragh Catchment: Monday 25th of Feb – Glencar Community Centre, Glencar, Co. Kerry at 8pm
Currane Catchment: Tuesday 26th of Feb – Dromid Day Centre, Waterville, Co. Kerry at 8pm
#pearlmusselproject #musselrivers #EIPagri #RuralNetwork
Pearl Mussel Project - Kerry Farm Advisor Meetings
The Pearl Mussel Project held its second Farm Advisor meeting in the prestigious Killarney House and Gardens, Co. Kerry today. Advisors are key partners in delivery of our farm programme to be launched next month.
Many thanks to Bríd and Horacio of Killarney House and Gardens for accommodating our south-west farm advisor meeting. The house and gardens are well worth a visit when in Killarney to learn all about the cultural and natural history of the amazing Killarney National Park
#pearlmusselproject #musselrivers #EIPagri #KillarneyNationalPark #KillarneyHouseandGardens

Pearl Mussel Project - Farm Advisor Meeting, Maam Cross

The PMP were delighted with the attendance at our first Farm Advisor meeting in Maam Cross, Co. Galway today. Advisors are key partners in delivery of our farm programme to be launched next month, which will help with the long-term conservation of critical endangered freshwater pearl mussel populations in Ireland.
The role of trained advisors will be to assess farm habitats, advise farmers on supporting actions, and help farmers in preparing annual works plans.
The next Farm Advisor meeting for the South-west is on 24 January 2019: Killarney House, Killarney National Park, Killarney, Co. Kerry from 2-5pm.
#pearlmusselproject #musselrivers #EIPagri
Pearl Mussel Project - Catchment Officer news
Mary McAndrew, PMP Catchment Officer in the West and North-west has had a busy time over the last couple of weeks since taking up her new post. Mary has been out scoring our pilot farms and getting to know her way around our catchments, in a range of weather conditions. She has even met some frisky locals... native deer on some of our blanket bog commonage areas!
Mary has also been working on developing pesticide guidelines for the projects Terms & Conditions’s documentation and is preparing her presentation for the forthcoming advisor information meetings next week.

#pearlmusselproject #musselrivers #EIPagri
Local Authorities Water Programme Conference

The Pearl Mussel Project attended some very interesting presentations today at the Local Authorities Water Programme Conference 2019 in Tullamore. The programme is a shared service working with Local Authorities and State Agencies to develop and implement River Basin Management Plans in Ireland, as required under the EU Water Framework Directive. The conference included a great range of speakers with innovative examples of how to reduce the impacts of a variety of farming actions on rivers, one of the main challenges facing freshwater pearl mussel in Ireland.
#pearlmusselproject #musselrivers #EIPagri #waterandcommunities
Pearl Mussel Project Farm Advisor Meetings

The Pearl Mussel Project (PMP) is a 5 year European Innovation Partnership (EIP) funded to the tune of €10 million by DAFM through the Rural Development Programme. The aim of the project is to design and implement an innovative results based farm programme which will help with the long-term conservation of critical endangered freshwater pearl mussel populations in Ireland.
The PMP foresee established farm advisors as having a key role in the successful implementation of the programme. The role of trained advisors will be to assess farm habitats, advise farmers on supporting actions, and help farmers in preparing annual works plans.
Only PMP approved advisors will be able to work on the programme.
The PMP will present further details on the programme and the role of farm advisors at two indoor advisor information meetings to be held in January 2019.
To register your interest in becoming an approved advisor on the project or for any further information on the Pearl Mussel Project please email Mary McAndrew, Catchment Officer, Pearl Mussel Project at
Farm Advisor
Information Meetings:
22 January 2019:
Peacockes Hotel, Lurgan, Maam Cross, Co. Galway,
24 January 2019:
Killarney House, Killarney National Park, Killarney, Co. Kerry, V93 HE3C, 2-5pm
#pearlmusselproject #musselrivers #EIP-Agri