Pearl Mussel Programme Payments

We are currently issuing our first annual payments to farmers under our results-based programme. In all, over 300 of our participant farmers will receive their payments over the next few weeks, with in excess of €600,000 being paid out to farmers in our catchment areas. For the first time these farmers are receiving a result-based payment that reflects the environmental outputs of their land, and in particular their contribution towards maintaining freshwater pearl mussel and their pristine river habitat.
The Pearl Mussel Project is an EIP (European Innovation Partnership) Locally Led Scheme. The Project is funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine as part of Ireland's Rural Development Programme 2014-2020.
#pearlmusselproject #musselrivers #EIPagri #RuralNetwork @agriculture_ie @DeptAgriFoodMarine #EPACatchments #teagasc #watersandcommunities #IrishFarmersJournal #agriculture @IrishFarmersAssociation #Agriland