PMP attend Burren Winterage School

PMP enjoyed a beautiful day at the #BurrenWinterage school with a number of our Pearl Mussel Project participant farmers. We learned about the very successful Burren Programme, where results of farming for nature are clear to see.
#pearlmusselproject #musselrivers #EIPagri #RuralNetwork @agriculture_ie @farmfornature @BurrenbeoTrust @kerry_life @HNVLink
Pearl Mussel Walk Connemara Green Festival

The Pearl Mussel Walk held as part of the Connemara Green Festival last Friday and led by PMPs Mary McAndrew was a great success. The group found a number of pearl mussel shells along the river banks (one of which we dated as potentially 70/80 years old). Delighted to have had the opportunity to present our progress on the project so far to the community. Huge thanks to Marie Louise Heffernan and the festival committee for inviting us to participate in the event.
#pearlmusselproject #musselrivers #EIPagri #RuralNetwork @agriculture_ie
Final farmer training course 2019 held in Ardgroom

Tara Challoner and Patrick Crushell from PMP provided the final 2019 farmer field training course in the Ownagappul catchment, in Ardgroom yesterday. In all PMP has now provided training to 340 farmers who are participating in the programme.
The training courses provided a valuable opportunity for farmers to learn about details of the program and measures to help the conservation of the freshwater pearl mussels in the different catchments. The indoor and outdoor training meetings also provided farmers the opportunity to discuss details of the programme and its implementation, and understand how plots will be scored and how they might improve their habitat plot scores and associated programme payments.
Thanks to all participating farmers for attending yesterdays training day, and to Sean Sullivan our host farmer for allowing the course to take place on his farm.
#pearlmusselproject #musselrivers #EIPagri #RuralNetwork @agriculture_ie
Connemara Green Festival 2019: Guided Field Trip
For those who would like to learn more about the freshwater pearl mussel, this years Connemara Green Festival, includes a guided field trip to the Dawros, led by PMPs own Mary McAndrew on Friday 11th October.

Booking is essential at:
#pearlmusselproject #musselrivers @ConnemaraGreenFestival
Connemara Green Festival 2019: Craft, Culture and Wilderness
PMP will be making a presentation at the Connemara Green Festival on Friday 11th October. The session entitled “Environmental Farming in Connemara” will include a presentation by Mary McAndrew on the results of the Pearl Mussel Project to date.
Further details of all events at:

#pearlmusselproject #musselrivers @ConnemaraGreenFestival